Our services
Residential and commercial painting - By project
Residential cleaning - 300$ and up
Commercial cleaning - By contract
Autumn leaves racking
Yard cleaning
Pavement weeding
Alphonse and his brother are very hardworking...They are always ready to help. Don't give up guys!
Dubevens got rid of weeds on my paving stone
and it took a long time to grow back, great job!
Ben and Vens helped me with the fallen leaves in my yard last fall,
they are always on time and they do good job.
Alphonse and his friends helped me paint my house, they did everything I asked them to do...I recommend them!
I couldn't find a residential cleaning company for the date I wanted, i saw Dubevens ad on kijiji, then i contacted Ben...his friends and him came to help me and they did a great job!
(819) 328-4479
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.